How To Get Motivated to Workout: 6 Tips from Trainer Natalie Wilson 

These 6 tips will help you get inspired to go crush it. 

Natalie Wilson
Natalie Wilson
 min read
May 18, 2023

Embarking on a fitness journey can be a life-changing experience. Whether you’re new to fitness or have been hitting the gym for years, you probably already know that regular exercise promises improved health, increased energy, and an overall fit body. But even with the best intentions and those benefits in the back of your mind, finding the motivation to consistently work out can be a daunting task. Even fitness trainers like Natalie Wilson sometimes struggle to find the motivation. 

“Everyone experiences the lack of motivation to exercise sometimes, myself included,” says Wilson, who’s been studying training and exercise science since 2012. 

If you currently find yourself in this boat, here are Wilson’s suggestions for igniting your drive and discovering that fire to crush your next workout. 

1. Don’t guilt yourself

Listen, working out is hard enough as it is without beating yourself up. Skip the guilt, and remember that “it’s normal to not feel motivated all the time,” says Wilson. 

“You won’t always be motivated, so you must learn to be disciplined,” she continues. If you’re just in the beginning stages of your fitness journey, remember that exercise is a habit. On average, it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic, so focus on little steps like a daily 15-minute workout, or a walk around the block to start to establish that discipline. 

If you’ve been working out for ages and find yourself struggling to get excited about working out, it might be time to switch things up. Instead of feeling guilty for not wanting to go for another run, or hit the gym to do the same workout you’ve done for 10 years, try taking a class, getting outside, or using some already-planned workouts like these

2. Plan your workouts when you won’t be interrupted

Nothing saps your motivation like a mid-workout interruption. Whether that pause comes in the form of a work call, your kids, or your partner, Wilson suggests planning your workouts when you won’t be interrupted. 

“If you’re a parent to young children or have a full-time job, my biggest tip would be to do your workouts early in the morning, before work, and before your kids wake up. I know it's early, but I promise it’s worth it,” she stresses. 

If you can’t make early mornings work, try to find another time when you’ll be able to focus on your workout, even if it’s only for 30 minutes. Maybe that’s over your lunch hour, or later at night. Whatever the case, just make sure to find a time that works for you. 

3. Prioritize putting yourself first

Speaking of finding a time that works for you, this is obviously easier said than done. It can sometimes feel selfish to take time out of your day to work out, but Wilson emphasizes that “putting yourself first is not selfish. It should be a priority so you can feel and be the best version of yourself. When you feel your best, you can be your best for others.” 

Instead of feeling selfish, feel proud of yourself for taking the time and effort to care for your health. Not only are you bettering yourself, but you might also be motivating the people around you to do the same, as was the case with Wilson. 

“My dad would drop me off at school every morning on his way to the gym. He used fitness as a tool to help manage his autoimmune disease, which I now use to help manage my own autoimmune disease. His example played a huge impact in my journey,” the fitness trainer says of where her love of health and fitness began. 

So the next time you feel selfish for taking an hour out of your day to work out, remember that you might just be setting an example for your children that’ll help them grow up to be healthier individuals. In fact, this has actually been scientifically proven to be true! 

4. Set your workout clothes out ahead of time

“Another tip I have is to set your workout clothes right by your bed, or somewhere you can see them as you get up,” Wilson suggests. Not only will laying your workout clothes out in advance save you time, but it’ll also make the decision to work out more automatic. You won’t need to think about what to wear, if you’ll need to stop home before the gym later, if you forgot your workout shirt, etc. You’ll just be ready to roll right from the start. 

5. Find an outfit you feel good in

Now when you lay those workout clothes out, make sure they’re clothes you feel good about. “Finding workout clothes you feel comfortable and confident in is surprisingly a huge help in crushing your workouts,” Wilson says. 

Don’t believe her? Well, science has actually proven this to be true – the better you feel in your athleticwear, the more likely you are to work out. And, your workouts are even more likely to be better! 

6. Schedule your workouts ahead of time

Wilson’s final piece of the puzzle is to “schedule out your week of workouts. Find workout videos and trainers that you love, and put them on your calendar. For example, Monday is leg day with Natalie on Instagram – almost like you’re scheduling an important meeting that you can’t miss.” 

Wilson’s Instagram is full of hundreds of daily workout ideas, and is a great place to start saving ideas for your workouts, though she also recommends that you “experiment with different trainers to determine what style of training and workouts resonate with you the most.” 

Want more from Natalie Wilson? Follow her here for daily workouts, healthy recipes, and exercise motivation. You can also save 15% on her favorite at-home workout essential, the Hyperbell Barbell, with code NATALIE. 

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