3 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy from Dance Instructor Poofy Moffitino

These tips will get you ready to move, even on those days you’re dragging. 

Christina "Poofy" Moffitino
Christina "Poofy" Moffitino
 min read
April 12, 2023

For so many of us, our workouts are the best part of the day. We look forward to hitting the gym or getting to class, excited to blow off some steam and have some “me-time.”

But occasionally, there are those days when you just don’t want to do it. Maybe you’re tired, stressed or just feeling low energy. Those days are tough, but we caught up with dance and fitness instructor Christina “Poofy” Moffitino to see how she stays upbeat and energetic, even on her down days. 

As an on-camera fitness instructor, Poofy doesn’t have the option to skip her workouts. Instead here are the three things she does to naturally boost her energy. 

1. Rest, Eat & Hydrate 

If you’re in a pinch and need some quick energy, you might be out of luck with this tip – but these three things are incredibly important nonetheless.

For Poofy, this is where she starts if she knows she’ll be leading a workout on camera. “I get good rest, hydration, and proper sleep to make sure I’m fueled,” she says, stressing the importance of taking care of her body before she starts to feel sluggish. 

2. Have a Simple Sugar Snack

Rest, food, and hydration are where you want to start, but we all have days where those three things just don’t align. Even Poofy isn’t immune to this, saying, “I’m human and not a robot, so I have my days where I need some energy assistance.” On days when she needs a little boost, Poofy says her “go-to pre-workout fuel will be some fruit or fruit snacks for sugar, or drinking either a Zipfizz or a Celsius.” 

Image courtesy of Poofy Moffitino

While simple sugars are generally regarded as “bad,” snacking on foods your body can easily convert to energy before a workout isn’t something you need to avoid. Foods like bananas, a piece of whole-grain toast with honey, or some dried fruit make great options that will help supply your body with almost instant energy. However, try to avoid getting your simple sugars from things like cookies and white bread, as these offer hardly any nutritional value. It’s also a good idea to limit your intake of simple sugars to before a workout when your body is actually going to use that energy. 

3. Give Yourself a Pep Talk 

Sometimes finding the energy to crush your workout simply comes down to mind over matter. For Poofy, this means remembering how fortunate she is to be able to work out. 

“It comes back to that positive self-talk,” she says. “I always tell myself I GET to work out, not that I have to. I truly believe health is wealth, and I get to make a difference in other people’s lives and not just mine. I hype myself up by creating new playlists and finding music that’ll drive me and my class.”

She continues by saying, “When you treat your workouts like you do your daily hygiene routines, it becomes a habit that’s non-negotiable. I love my job as an instructor, and it never feels like work for me. I don’t take that for granted, and I honor my privilege to be able to be that energy-shifter and movement motivator for others. That truly is my fuel to keep showing up and showing out.” 

So the next time you’re dragging before a workout, remember Poofy’s words: you GET to go move your body. With that in mind, grab a little snack, blast a few of your favorite songs, and crush it.

To move your body without leaving home, check out a few of Poofy’s classes, including Five Minute Dance Cardio, 10-Minute Cardio Hip Hop, and cycle and cardio classes on the Fitbit Premium App. You can also attend Poofy’s live classes in Los Angeles by signing up here

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